Passages taken from book'the phenomenen of the soviet cinema' about Sergei Eisenatein(1898-1948)
Eisenstein came to the cinema from the theatre. The movie battleship potemkin depicts the revolt of the russian sailors on the battleship 'prince Potemkin of Tavaria,showing the spirit and typical features of the first russian rovolution and the adea of the unity of the revolutionary people.
The film crew worked enthusiastically,with in cpiration, and this massive film was shot in only four months-it was also one of the lease expensive in financial terms.
the fim was enormously successful at home and abroad.
Charlkie Chaplin termed the film 'the world's best movie'.
The American Academy of Cinema chose the movie as the best fil of 1926.
IMP: The film was cut and mutilated by censors(like our JBT MOvie now) in all the bourgeois countries,yet it received the highest award-the Gold Medel-as tghe paris exhibition.
When eisenstein arrived in America in 1930,Americanreactionaries shwpred him with petitions demanding that the 'RED DIRECTOR WHO IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN A RED ARMY DIVISION'be thrown out(compare with JBT movie effect)
Progressive people throught world,noted film makers ,writers and political and cultural figures in england,india,france,brazilgermany,japan,italy and mexico have spoken and written about the enoumous priogressive influence of Eisenstein film.
The forum made of 117 film critics from many countries (during the world exhibition in brussels in 1958) elected battleship potemkin the 'best film of all time'
Very films in cinema history have had such an unusak destiny (ARE NOT THERE SIMILARITIES IN JBT NOW!)
the power of battle potenkin is its historical truthfulness and the great idea of liberating people(LIKE OUR T BATTLE NOW)
The power of the movie is that it shows an objective historical fact in the light of the leading idea of our times and that it transforms asm historical episode into a fact of general significance yet also making it the personal affirs of millions of viewers(Is it now the same the views of JBT movie now!!)
Eisenstein created a symbol of mighty poeples revolution whcih passed. He says:The idea will dim and retreat from view. it will be attacked and be distorted and it will have the ground cut out from underit but nonetheless as it twists and turns under enemy blows it will change form and gather strength and will take onmore concrete form as it progresses from a rough slogan and emerges from the heat of battle brillant, renewed, tangible and real
Eisenstein came to the cinema from the theatre. The movie battleship potemkin depicts the revolt of the russian sailors on the battleship 'prince Potemkin of Tavaria,showing the spirit and typical features of the first russian rovolution and the adea of the unity of the revolutionary people.
The film crew worked enthusiastically,with in cpiration, and this massive film was shot in only four months-it was also one of the lease expensive in financial terms.
the fim was enormously successful at home and abroad.
Charlkie Chaplin termed the film 'the world's best movie'.
The American Academy of Cinema chose the movie as the best fil of 1926.
IMP: The film was cut and mutilated by censors(like our JBT MOvie now) in all the bourgeois countries,yet it received the highest award-the Gold Medel-as tghe paris exhibition.
When eisenstein arrived in America in 1930,Americanreactionaries shwpred him with petitions demanding that the 'RED DIRECTOR WHO IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN A RED ARMY DIVISION'be thrown out(compare with JBT movie effect)
Progressive people throught world,noted film makers ,writers and political and cultural figures in england,india,france,brazilgermany,japan,italy and mexico have spoken and written about the enoumous priogressive influence of Eisenstein film.
The forum made of 117 film critics from many countries (during the world exhibition in brussels in 1958) elected battleship potemkin the 'best film of all time'
Very films in cinema history have had such an unusak destiny (ARE NOT THERE SIMILARITIES IN JBT NOW!)
the power of battle potenkin is its historical truthfulness and the great idea of liberating people(LIKE OUR T BATTLE NOW)
The power of the movie is that it shows an objective historical fact in the light of the leading idea of our times and that it transforms asm historical episode into a fact of general significance yet also making it the personal affirs of millions of viewers(Is it now the same the views of JBT movie now!!)
Eisenstein created a symbol of mighty poeples revolution whcih passed. He says:The idea will dim and retreat from view. it will be attacked and be distorted and it will have the ground cut out from underit but nonetheless as it twists and turns under enemy blows it will change form and gather strength and will take onmore concrete form as it progresses from a rough slogan and emerges from the heat of battle brillant, renewed, tangible and real
- l.k.s.rao
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