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K.Hanumanth Rao.
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V. Sharath

Authorities should remember " events not faithful to script always "


Monday, May 2, 2011

letter reveals.... andhraleaks part 5

(With inputs from Sangishetty Srinivas)
The shameless lies propagated by Seemandhra leadership for over 5 decades are getting shattered one by one. Here is more evidence that proves that Potti Sriramulu’s death was the result of Seemandhra leadership’s greed for Madras city. It was a botched attempt, to grab Madras from Tamils, that had gone horribly wrong. His death is also a classic case of how Seemandhra leadership twists history shamelessly to suit their purpose.
Read these excerpts from an Appeal written by Potti Sriramulu himself while he was fasting. Here, he makes it very clear that the objective of his indefinite fast is to make Madras the capital of Andhra state. Below, we have provided scanned copies of this letter, which was published in the “Amarajeevi Potti Sreeramulu 90th Jayanthi Souvenir”
A good lot of propaganda, agitation and fact-finding have taken place for formation of Andhra State, and now nobody objects to the formation of Andhra State. On the other hand everyone is anxious to bring it into existence at the earliest opportunity; but the future of Madras City has become a problem.
The J.V.P. Report of 1949 insisted on the Andhras abandoning their claim to the City of Madras to facilitate the immediate separation of the Andhra State. The Andhras rose in a body of protest and declared that Madras City should be the Capital of Andhra State.
The people of Rayalaseema and Nellore District demand that the Madras should be the capital of the new Andhra State, whether the City is constituted into separate Province, or is divided between Tamils and Telugus as proposed by Rajah of Panagal and Mr. V. Ramadoss Pantulu. Their economic interests also demand it.
I was born in Madras City over 50 years ago. I was educated in Madras till my 20th year. My family remained in Madras City till 1934. I am closely associated with the Madras City and I am fully aware of the intensity of the attachment of the Andhras living in the city, in Nellore and Rayalaseema districts to the City of Madras. They cannot reconcile themselves to the idea that the capital of the Andhra State should be shifted from the convenient and fully developed City of Madras, in the building of which they had a major share. Numerous resolutions were passed at several meetings, parishads, and conferences expressing the will of the people and demanding the separation of Andhra State with its capital of Madras.
In spite of all these facts Pandit Jawaharlal Ji, both as Congress President and as Prime Minister of India, refused to take the responsibility to decide and insists that Andhras and Tamils should come to an amicable settlement over the question of Madras City. So there is no use trying to force him to do a thing which he does not like. Therefore circumstances have to be created which he cannot but take note of the act by his own initiative in the interests of the country as a whole.
Now a very serious attempt has to be made to bring about an agreed settlement over the future of Madras City. All reasonable Andhras and Tamils should be brought together and made to come to an agreement over the Madras City, in the interest of everyone living in Madras City. Their interests have to be safe-guarded and should be made to feel satisfied. I believe that this agreement can be brought about by making Madras City common to Andhras and Tamils. How this it to be done I leave to the people.
To bring this about, I started a fast unto death on 19.10.52 at the residence of Sri Bulusu Sambamurthy in Mylapore. I appeal from the depth of my heart to Andhras, Tamils and all others interested in the solution of the future status of Madras City to come to an agreement, so that the will of the people may prevail in the immediate formation of the New Andhra State with Madras as its Capital.
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Read previous parts of the Andhra Leaks Series here:

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